Healthy lifestyle seems like a huge challenge for HGV drivers. Their working environment provides limited opportunities for keeping healthy and fit. Obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are just a few of the consequences of their long working hours. So what the healthy lifestyle tips for HGV Drivers can we offer?
Meet Konrad Kochanek – one of our HGV drivers who took on the challenge to lose weight and fit a healthy lifestyle into his job as a lorry driver.
NN1 Personnel asked him why he decided to lose weight and how he manages to keep a healthy lifestyle on the road. Here are some fast and easy tips for HGV Drivers on how to lose some weight.
Tell us a little bit about what happened? Why did you put weight on in a first place?
It all began when I started to work as a lorry driver. Long hours behind the wheel, tight schedule, being on the road all the time, tiredness and lack of sleep, no exercise, quick and unhealthy meals at service stations – it all contributed to my weight gain. I didn’t really watch what I eat or drink or worry about whether I get enough exercises.
So what made you start to think about healthy lifestyle?
First of all, I could see myself in the mirror – it was not a great look. I started to have breathing difficulties… Even small things like walking up the stairs would make me get out of breath. I didn’t feel comfortable. I was very conscious of my look especially at the time when we went on family holidays. My weight was nearly 19 stones, I wanted to get down to 15 stones. This is how it started.
So how did you achieve it?
First of all, I needed some knowledge. You cannot just go on a diet. You need to know what might work for you and how to do it. So I started reading about dieting, healthy lifestyle, exercises… I watched videos, read blogs, magazines… All that gave me more understanding and motivated me to lose weight and get in shape.
Next, I started going to the gym and exercise and what goes along I started a healthy low carb diet. It is very important to pay attention to what you eat. I gave up junk food – no fried or processed food, sugar, sweet and energy drinks. I would cook for a few days in advance to save time.
Any advice/tips do you have for others?
What would you say was/is your biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge was to make a start. I had been thinking about it for a long time. I knew I had to do something about myself, I just couldn’t start, I was just lazy. I kept finding excuses.
Can you tell us how do you feel now compared to before you changed your lifestyle?
Now I definitely feel more confident. Before I was very conscious about my body, I used to isolate myself from people. I’m not ashamed of my body anymore. I’m happy to show it off anytime (😊). I’ also socialise more. My libido has increased as well…😊
Is it easy to keep a healthy lifestyle? Do you think companies help drivers to stay healthy and fit or do they make it difficult?
It’s very challenging for drivers to keep healthy. There isn’t much healthy meal or drink options (if any) at services, shops or office canteens. All you get is junk food, fast food; energy drinks full of sugar or treats from vending machines. If you don’t take your own fresh and healthy meal or water you usually have no choice but to eat junk. It’s ok if you have a cheat meal once in a while, but try to keep to your meal plan.
Remember – You need knowledge and willingness, start eating healthy and exercise and make it a habit.
Thank you so much for your time and advice.
We hope that Konrad’s story will inspire some of you or will help you in making some changes in your lifestyle.
It’s not easy to start, commit to healthy meals and exercise and fit it all into your working schedule, but the benefits make it worth it.
If you cannot do it yourself, or don’t know how to start – ask for help. Do it with your friend – maybe another lorry driver. Personal trainers can offer some advice on exercise or help you with meal plans. There are also companies offering healthy meals and recipes delivered straight to your door.
We would like to say a big THANKS to Konrad for sharing this inspirational story. As a treat, NN1 Personnel offered Konrad a one-week delicious meals supply sponsored by Eat Fit Catering Northampton