As the confirmed cases and the death toll rises, many of us are becoming increasingly paranoid. Morale is rapidly declining as many fear for their lives. In addition, people are overwhelmed with the change to their normal routine due to children being home and warnings becoming more urgent for the elderly.
The world has turned upside down in the last few days, we are in an extraordinary place at the moment.
Companies need to keep morale high, avoid loss of focus and productivity, and help their people stay connected with each other. It requires a new approach.
It’s crucial that leaders don’t get sucked into the panic and stay positive. Research shows that when we are overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, our immune system shuts down! Look after yourself and stay away from negative news to manage your emotions, remain calm and protect your mental health. Remember that employees look to their leaders and model their behavior especially in times of crisis.
If you have staff that is working from home encourage video calls for brainstorming sessions, meetings and to keeping communication open. Make sure you keep them posted via emails as well, send them the latest updates, guides, ideas.
Employers should be empathetic, understanding and flexible as workers try to navigate the unexpected changes to their lives. The last thing an employee needs is their employer being rigid about them working from home to take care of their family until they find an alternative solution.
Although it’s not possible for every company to offer remote work or to furlough all your employees, companies should consider loosening restrictions surrounding certain policies. Managers need to trust when employees say they’re sick and experiencing symptoms and work around them as best as possible. Otherwise, employers risk infecting an entire place. Likewise, productivity, morale, and engagement deteriorate due to workers growing resentful for employers not caring about what they’re going through.
While employers can’t completely do away with employee fears, they can try to mitigate them as best as possible by eliminating penalties against sick leaves and call off’s, increasing flexibility, to educate and reduce anxiety.
Stay in touch with them. We know after every storm comes sunshine and please keep reminding your staff it this situation will finally be over. Set your team a challenge: whether it is a fitness challenge, reading challenge or personal development challenge. Search for free audiobooks on Youtube or Audible on Personal Growth Videos from Mel Robbins, Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard. There are many other coaches added every day on Youtube).