Many of HGV drivers suffer from obesity, backaches, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea to name just a few.
What if with only 15 minutes a day you could get a full body workout, get rid of those backaches and be able to get a proper sleep after?
Here are some tips and exercises for HGV drivers to keep you fit while on the road:
You might think you cannot do any exercises while in your seat, but that’s not true. You can do stretching exercises or so called isometric exercises that involve muscular contractions against resistance without movement, holding for a few seconds and releasing. isometric exercises done in the car can offer cardiac benefits and some muscular strengthening. Places more stress on a single muscle group, thus resulting in a more complete workout.
Make sure you do these only when you are stopped (at the red light, traffic) or parked:
will loosen up sore, tight muscles and provide some relief as well as prepare your muscles for a full body workout.
You can do it both in your car seat or on the floor.
Top stretching exercises to do in your seat:
Top stretching exercises to do outside of your truck:
Below you will find 9 best stretches for HGV drivers and the link to the website with detailed instructions of how to do those.
Image Source: website
these rely on the coordinated actions of several muscle groups, thus making use of two or more joints. As a benefit of this kind of exercises, you burn more calories, improve coordination and balance, reduce risk of injury, improve cardiovascular performance and also your muscular endurance and strength is increased, allowing you to exercise for longer.
You can do some of the exercises on a mattress, on the back of your trailer assuming there is some room, or outside your truck.
Top exercises include:
Here are 8 great floor mat exercises for a full body workout perfect for HGV drivers– no equipment necessary, so any driver can benefit from these.
Depending on time and where you stopped for your break, you can do some running. It could be just a few rounds around your truck, round the carpark, or if you park somewhere outside town – use nature trails.
You might want or need to have them on you, especially if you have some spare room in your lorry. They can come in handy.
Let’s not forget exercises is not everything to keep you fit in your profession as HGV driver. You also need to have a balanced diet. Make sure you drink a lot of water and eat healthily. If you need some ideas and inspiration on healthy eating read our latest blog.
To help you track your fitness goals we put together a list of useful apps for drivers:
We hope these simple exercises and useful tips will help will help some or all of you to keep fit, or at least fight back the pain and aches after a long journey in your seat.
Doing physical exercises don’t just help to build and maintain healthy muscles, joints and bones; increases strength, stamina and endurance or help manage weight. It also boosts energy levels, promotes better sleep, reduces stress, It also reduces the risk of depression, of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer; and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
Exercising improves mood and overall sense of well-being.
It’s all up to you now to be determined and consistent to do some exercises while on the road. It might be hard to get started and keep going but the benefits make it worth it.