Heatwave conditions have hit the UK over the past few days, again this year and they are to last for the next few days at least. With the hot and muggy weather, some of us, more than others feel challenged to keep focused, especially when working behind the wheel. The thunderstorms and rain are on their way, but for now, let’s see what you can do to keep cool when stuck in your lorry for several hours.
Most of the trucks are equipped with aircon to keep you cool and comfortable. But that’s not enough. We listed a few tips and ideas below on how to stay cool and focused while on the road. There are also some rules you have to follow as a commercial driver.
A great option to keep your water cool and food fresh in this heat. Gell filled ice packs and an isolated lunch box will help you keep your food fresh and avoid food poisoning.
Although you might feel like wearing shorts and flipflops remember that HGV Drivers need to look professional – long dark trousers, a dark top, and safety boots are the most appropriate. Don’t risk being sent home without pay for not wearing the right uniform.
Put it up every time you exit your truck for more than a few minutes. Remember windscreen shaders should not block your view while driving. For most up to date advice on windscreen obscuration visit this government website.
Cooling cushion will increase air circulation to keep your bottom cool and reduce seat sweating. It might be ideal for driving in h9t weather. Also, try to park your truck in the shade – it sounds obvious but the temperature in the cab can rise very quickly.
Headaches, nausea, increased sweating, cool clammy skin – if you spot any of these symptoms stop and cool down. Use frozen water and put it behind your neck. Wet your hair as the air rushing over it will cool you down. Seek medical help if needed.
That’s the most important thing – keep hydrated. Drink, Drink, Drink. Drinking water helps lower your body temperature, and replace the fluid you lose through sweating. You could also snack on fresh fruits that are rich in water, like berries, watermelon, peaches, and nectarines.
Looks like the heatwave will continue for the next few weeks with temperatures reaching over 30 degrees Celcius. Keep hydrated, keep safe.
More advice on driving at night and drivers wellbeing can be found on our website www.nn1personnel.co.uk/category/news/