Today, 22nd January we celebrate #HGVdriversDay. NN1 Personnel set up this day to raise awareness about professional drivers and their significant role in the economy. They are not just on the road for fun.
Their job and vital role in the economy seem underrated and most of the people take it for granted. They often travel hundreds of miles in all sorts of conditions to deliver the essential goods we need or love. And consider the circumstances, we are all in due to the pandemic. They cannot just stay home, otherwise, we would be seeing empty shelves in the shops!
They might not be saving lives literally. However, they do sacrifice their time away from home and family and risk their lives. They work hard to make sure we have food and all necessities to keep going. They are road-heroes and definitely deserve more respect and appreciation. So before you give them a bit of a stick think how important they are.
We believe that it’s important now more than ever to appreciate and give a shout out to the professional drivers. The transport industry is being relied upon to deliver much-needed goods on time and safely, and they are working hard while risking their health to do so.
Due to the high demand and risk to drivers during the pandemic, we should show them more support and appreciation they truly deserve.
Here at NN1 Personnel, we always treat drivers with respect, striving to accommodate their needs and requests. We appreciate their hard work, the risk they take every day when hitting the road.
We like to recognise their passion and commitments. From a simple Birthday car, Christmas present to a gift card for being a driver of the month are just some of the examples of our appreciation.
Please help us spread the word about our “Road heroes” and their commitments and the fantastic job they are doing, especially in these difficult times. They deserve much praise and respect!
Why not show them some respect and appreciation by making them a hot drink, have a conversation, or just share some likes on social media. Maybe you want to give a shout out to a driver in your team/workplace? We know the drivers would love a pay rise most of all. Even so, whatever you do, however you celebrate #HGVdriversDay we are sure they will appreciate it.